Stem Cells

Clinic Saghar

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells capable of developing into various specialized cell types. They play a vital role in tissue regeneration, repair, and maintenance and can be sourced from areas such as bone marrow, adipose (fat) tissue, and embryonic tissues. Their unique regenerative abilities make stem cells a significant focus in medical research and therapeutic applications.

The Stem Cell Hair Transplant Process

In stem cell hair transplantation, autologous (patient-derived) stem cells are harvested from the individual's own tissues. The process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Graft Harvesting: Approximately 150-200 hair grafts or follicular units are extracted from genetically resistant areas of the scalp under local anesthesia.
  2. Stem Cell Preparation: The harvested follicles are processed using special enzymatic chemicals to separate the autologous stem cells from the follicular tissue, which takes about two hours.
  3. Injection: The prepared stem cell suspension is then injected into the scalp, acting as a catalyst to rejuvenate dormant hair follicles.



Kök Hücreli Saç Ekiminin Faydaları
Doğal Sonuçlar: Bu yöntem, hastanın kendi kök hücrelerini kullanarak saç ekimi sonuçlarının başarısını ve doğallığını artırır.
Gelişmiş Saç Yoğunluğu: Otolog kök hücre transferi, genel saç yoğunluğunu önemli ölçüde artırır.
En Aza İndirilmiş Reddedilme: Hücreler hastanın kendi vücudundan elde edildiğinden, reddedilme riski büyük ölçüde azalır.